Call us  703-582-5287
Serving Leesburg, Virginia


Why apply mulch?

Mulching is a quick way to give your lawn and landscape a finished look. Mulch can give it a fresh appearance and hide some problem areas. However, your trees and shrubs like it for another reason – it helps keep moisture in the ground.

What is the proper way to apply mulch?

One of the common misconceptions is that if a little mulch is good, more is better. That is not true. A tree is properly mulched by placing a depth of only two to four inches of organic mulch around it so that none of the mulch is touching the trunk. Leaving the mulch heaped up on the sides of the tree provides an excellent pathway for pests and insects to bore into the tree and do damage. Therefore there should never be a build up of a “volcano shaped” mound of mulch around the base of trees and shrubs.

Our Service:

After applying mulch on shrub areas and flower beds, we always use a blower on your sidewalks and grassy areas, so that your yard is left with a clean and fresh look.