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Leaf Removal

The process of shedding leaves varies by tree

The cooler temperatures and spectacular display of red, orange, and yellow leaves of deciduous trees make autumn the favorite season for many people. However, as time passes, those leaves eventually fall and accumulate on your lawn. Maple, birch, cherry, and aspen trees yield their leaves rather quickly. Beech and oak trees stubbornly hang onto their dead leaves for several more weeks before letting go.

Why remove leaves from your lawn?

For your lawn, a blanket of dead leaves is a threat to health. Dead leaves block sunlight and keep moisture trapped, promoting the development of disease. That is why it is important to remove leaves by either blowing, raking, or mulching.

If your neighborhood has a variety of mature trees, cleaning leaves from your lawn can be a continuing process over the course of the season. If it’s a job you’d rather not do yourself, we’ll remove them using methods that are compatible with your homeowner regulations. When possible, we move them to natural areas to compost. If this is not an option, they are collected for removal.